
How do I configure the headers and footers for my store?

How to edit the header and footer sections in Storefront Builder

You can configure the look and feel of your entire marketplace by applying changes to the default marketplace theme. With the Storefront Builder tool, you can apply and view changes without encoding them in HTML, and then publish them to appear in your marketplace right away. 

  1. Go to Manage > Store > Theme Manager.
  2. Select your Theme (Plaza) and click the Customize button. You are now in the Storefront Builder.

How to change the Header & Footer background color

Note that the header and footer can be modified in different components of the marketplace; for example what a signed-in customer sees vs what a not logged-in customer sees can appear different if you choose. As an example, here are the steps to change the background color of the main Home Bar:

  1. Click Home Page dropdown and select Header & Footer.
  2. Select Header (or Footer).
  3. Select Home Bar.
  4. Scroll down to bottom of left-side options and click the colored box beside Background. This will display the color palette.
  5. Select the color you desire by clicking the palette or entering the RGBA or Hex details (e.g. type FFFFFF in the Hex box for White).
  6. Hit enter on your keyboard. 

The color of your choice will display immediately in the preview pane. In the example below, the green outline shows where the banner would be and the color selected is white.

Read our documentation about working with themes, and start applying changes after you’ve read the  Storefront Builder guide. 

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