
How can I create downloadable products in my marketplace?

Downloadable Products are a legacy product type no longer supported. Instead we offer Edition Files on web apps, which allows you to attach a file at the Edition level of the product. We enable an option at the Edition-level for you to attach a file, which users can access after purchasing. 

How to request Edition Files 

Please contact and ask us about enabling Edition Files product type on your marketplace. 

Limitations with Edition Files

Since Edition Files are still in Early Access, please note the following limitations before requesting.

  • With Edition Files,  you can define multiple files per edition, but must configure provisioning even if it is only dummy endpoints. (Cannot leave provisioning blank). I can provide you with 2 types of endpoints; one that puts the request into pending state (meaning a Marketplace Manager must approve before the end user can download), or immediately approve (no pending state). 
  • When creating an edition, you might need to reload the page to see the file upload section. (UI enhancement- work in progress). 
  • A cog wheel with a link to download will show on all apps in the end-users my apps section, whether they have files or not. When the user clicks on that link they will see all the files available; and if there are none, the page will indicate so.
  • No current ability to upload files via API. Must be done manually through the UI console. 
  • No "change" file option; you need to delete and upload a new one if you want to change it.
  • No notifications for new files or versions of files available. 
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